Do I need to speak to Vietnamese to be considered for a job?
The straightforward answer is ‘no’. We require your written and spoken English to be of a high standard, but knowing Vietnamese is not a prerequisite to joining Apollo. Our teachers do tend to pick up enough of the language to get around and enjoy life during their time with Apollo and help arrange classes for teachers to improve their Vietnamese.
Can I take a gap year with Apollo?
So long as you meet our minimum requirements, you can apply and be considered for any teaching positions that are available. It may be difficult at times to plan a long time in advance as we only post vacancies when they become available. But do not be put off by this as Apollo has continually expands its teaching classes and facilities across Vietnam. Teaching contracts usually last for one year and include 20 days' fully-paid annual leave (with public holidays) so it is possible to make short trips during your stay. Be flexible with your planning though, as we find many teachers enjoy teaching English and living in Vietnam so much that they often stay with us beyond their first contract!
Am I old or experienced enough to be an Apollo teacher?
It’s hard to give an exact answer to this. We take on many aspiring and ambitious teachers to our centers as well as welcoming more experienced teachers too. We do not discriminate against applicants on any unfair grounds such as age, gender or race and welcome all teachers of all experience and backgrounds to apply and be considered for our roles. Certain roles will require certain levels of experience and specific competencies, particularly for more senior teaching positions. But overall we look for ambitious teachers who have a good awareness and understanding of the English language, as this will make you naturally suited to a role in Apollo.
What is the progression of an EFL teacher at Apollo?
Well, there is no set path as it is very much up to each individual. Apollo is proud to promote excellent teachers to more senior roles and we recognise talent throughout the company. Less experienced teachers may be limited in the roles they can be considered for, but hard work, ambition and teaching talent are all prosperous qualities that will enable you to be suggested for various roles.
I can’t find a role that is suitable for me today, when will new positions be available?
Please sign up to the mailing list to hear about the availability of our CELTA courses and teaching positions. Then you can beat the crowds and have your CV considered first!
There are other EFL opportunities in Vietnam, why should I choose Apollo?
As well as taking a look at the benefits of being an Apollo teacher, there are other reasons to choose Apollo. Not only does Apollo have many years of experience in the English teaching and Business Training markets but also we are still growing at rapid rate. This means that there are plenty of opportunities. As an affiliate member of International House, we also have access the the world-recognised training, qualifications and resources they offer. Apollo teaches at world class standards and so you will be recognised as a top quality teacher by working with us.