Why CELTA at Apollo?
Why CELTA at Apollo?
Apollo is the only International House (IH) recognised CELTA training centre in Vietnam. The International House World Organization (IHWO) is a network of language schools worldwide that are committed to implementing high standards of quality and innovation in education and training. By choosing Apollo for your CELTA studies, you will benefit from having renowned, world class International House (IH) trainers with many years experience in all aspects of teacher training.
International House developed the first training courses for teachers of English and has continued to innovate both in pre-service training and teacher development. Globally, the language teachers that we train are acknowledged as amongst the most able, creative and authoritative within their profession. Our teacher training programmes are a hallmark of excellence and outstanding professionalism.
The CELTA itself was based on the IH Certificate in Teaching Languages, and is a pre-requisite for working at IH schools around the world.
“I was very impressed with the quality and breadth of the course, and I feel infinitely better prepared for teaching now than at the beginning. Particular thanks to both tutors for an excellent course, your work is very appreciated.” CELTA Trainee – July/August 2013
Apollo will give successful CELTA trainees a 12,800,000 VND refund on their course fees if they sign a full-time 12-month contract with Apollo within a month of the end of their CELTA course.
Offer depends on job availability and a successful job interview. The money will be refunded in two halves - in the first salary payment and at the end of the contract.
Where are Apollo's CELTA training centres?
You can study the CELTA in Vietnam with Apollo at our centers in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. All locations have fully equipped training rooms and support facilities such as whiteboards, IWBs, CDs players as well as being light and spacious. There is also access to multi media and training resources including multi media projectors, digital cameras, video cameras and DVD and video players. There is a well-resourced library of supplementary materials, with photocopiers, games, flashcards and realia for teachers and trainees to utilise.
See more comments from our trainees on our new Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ApolloTeacherTraining/