Our students are:
- Enthusiastic
- Motivated
- Dedicated
As a CELTA qualified EFL teacher, you will be qualified to teach students from as young as 5 years old to adult level. Apollo offers a wide range of training courses, which need your talents to maintain their ongoing success.
Different age groups offer their own rewards. The Young Learner classes will certainly bring enjoyment to your teaching with the Apollo fun and learn programme which includes many games and activities, conducted in and outside of the classroom.
Our Teens will inspire you as they learn and are encouraged to express their thoughts and ideas in English and wish to continue learning English to meet their current desires and beyond desires. From being able to understand the latest movie to thinking about their own future careers, they maintain the same enthusiasm in learning English.
Apollo teachers are always impressed with the pace that Vietnamese students, of all ages, develop and often say that they are the best they have ever taught due to how respectful and willing they are. Apollo’s success is often put down to our effective teaching programs as well as consistent dedication, from both the teachers and learners.